Exploring the outer reaches of human movement.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Swap Meets

Seattle SkiFever & Snowboard Show:  Oct. 28th - 30th     Washington State Convention Center
Mercer Island Ski & Snowboard Swap:  Nov. 5th     Islander Middle School, Mercer Island

SPVSP.  Nov. 4th - 6th.  Red Hook Brewery, Woodinville

Newport High School Ski Swap:  Nov. 11th - 12th     Newport High School, Bellevue

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Seattle SkiFever & Snowboard Show

The Seattle SkiFever & Snowboard Show is October 28 - 30th at the Washington Convention Center.  For more info, visit http://www.skifever.org/index.php?CategoryID=3

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pre-season Sales

Labor Day is almost here and that means only one thing to skiers and snowboarders in the Northwest:  Pre-season sales.

Check out your local shop or hit one of the big shows, like Ski Bonkers at the Southcenter Mall.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Free storage wax

The good folks at Sturtevants Sports and Swix have teamed up to offer you FREE storage wax for your skis and snowboards.

One day only:  Friday, April 22nd.  Take your skis and snowboard in for a free storage wax job.  In addition, all tunes are 25% off. 

Get your equipment tuned now, have it coated with storage wax and keep it in tip top shape for the off season.  Then, all you have to do is scrape and go come winter.

Details:  http://blog.sturtevants.com/free-swix-hot-wax-day-at-sturtevants-and-ski-mart-locations-april-22nd/

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


The winter season at Stevens Pass comes to a close this Sunday, April 17th.

Springfest will help us celebrate the move to summer with events like the Big Box Jam, Dummy Downhill, Chuck-A-Duck and Pond Skimming.

Click the link for a complete list of events and the schedule.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

When the Stars Align

A foot of snow fell on Sunday and it was coming down hard when I started shoveling out the RV.  The forecast was for an additional 11" overnight.  Somewhere in the midst of my efforts, the idea of skipping out on Monday's responsibilities was planted.

That seed quickly took root and grew.  The daughter won't miss school and the wife has a powder aversion.  I found my son and told him that tomorrow he was doing P.E. with his dad.

RV cleaned off and shoveled out, we clambered into our bunks and dreamt of soft white turns.

When the alarm brought me back, I opened ski report on my phone as I tried to focus my eyes.  23 degrees.  23 twice?  I rubbed my eyes and looked again.  23" fell overnight.  I've rarely been this excited to get up in the morning.

Opening the motor home, snow brushed the bottom of the door.  I had to pull my son over the snow to the plowed road.  Although we were early, the line had already started to form.  He looked quizzically at the guy behind us wearing a snorkel, then up at me.  I started to worry about losing him under all the snow.  3 feet is a lot of new snow, especially when you're barely 3 feet tall.  The plan:  He would ski in my tracks and yell if he fell.

Nothing else was said.  We rode the chair in silence.  First run was groomed, which meant only 2 feet of new snow.  Good warm up lap.  We both needed bigger helmets to accommodate our smiles.

On the 2nd chair ride, we surveyed the scene.  The hill looked like a winterland groundhog prairie.  Skiers and snowboards alike were postholed all over the mountain trying to dig their way out.

The rest of the day was spent finding the steepest runs and trying to stay ahead of the other powder hounds.  Lap after lap, we dropped from pillow to snowy pillow.  My son broke the silence.  "Dad.  This is like a dream."

Three feet of snow in a day is epic.  An unexpected three feet, even better.  Being at the right place at the right time is a dream.  And the exceptionally lucky get to experience it all with their son when the stars align.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Great day. Now what?

You had a great day riding.  Now what?  First, go thank your parents.  They probably had something to do with your fun today.

Next, take care of your body.  Chances are good you rode hard and then sat in a car on the way home.  If you were smart, you stretched before getting in.  Now that you're home, stretch.  (or, better yet, stretch again)  Water?  Get some in you.  Energy drinks and soda are not substitutes for water.  Eat something.  Actually, eat two things:  Protein (chicken, fish...) and carbs (whole grains, brown rice, potatoes...).  Do not eat fat.  Fat will slow down your digestion, amongst other things fat does to you.  Ideally, you would have eaten a protein bar or downed a protein drink right after riding, then had a good meal when you got home.

Then, take care of your equipment.  Wipe off your board and skis.  (metal edges will rust)  Let your goggles dry.  Do not wipe them dry - especially the inside lense.  Take the liners from your boots and let them dry well.  And that wad of sweaty first layer clothing?  Two words:  Washing machine.

Lastly, get in the shower.  You stink.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Winter Storm Warning

Some people eagerly wait to hear passionate words like "I love you", "will you marry me" and "free beer".  The rest of us live for "winter storm warning".  It may be a warning most, but the rest of us are drawn to power and the reward these storms bring.

The next couple days look to bring the snow we've been eagerly awaiting.

Is that a cough I hear?  Maybe you should take a few days off work to get well...

Monday, January 31, 2011

Fun is where you find it.

The day started innocent enough.  Then, the rain started coming down as the lifts started turning.  The fog was next.  At the top of the park, I'm greeted by the always cheerful kid on the crew as he waives me in.  My answer?  "It sucks out here".

Without hesitation, and with the smile still on his face, he answered back:  "You're just a grumpy old man".

Now, it's true I'm many years his senior.  And the grumpy part?  Yeah.  That too.  I paused at the top of the park, by myself, as his words buzzed in my head.  By myself?  Huh?...  As I surveyed the lines from my vantage, I realized the park was almost empty.  I virtually had the place to myself.  On a weekend.

Running that first safety lap, I could easily see the jumps and hits marked well in blue dye by the park crew.  The snow wasn't sticky.  Damp, for sure, but the speed was fine.  Actually, it wasn't too bad.  I turned up the volume in my helmet a bit as I slid right up to the chair.  The typically queue and mondo weekend line non-existent.  As the chair lifted me up, I realized there wasn't anywhere else I'd rather be.

The smile started to form.

As I kicked off from the chair, I recalled a slogan we coined on a summer job I held in college.  "Fun is where you find it".

Bombing down the chutes, misty rain beading off my goggles, I slid up to the park and the smiling kid on the crew.  "This" I beamed, "is an awesome day!"

"Fun" is a matter of attitude.  The snow, the fog, the rain and the mountain were the same.  But, thanks to the smiling young man who so kindly put it all in perspective just one run ago, my attitude was not just different, but better.  And, yes.  It was an awesome day.

X Games Skier Superpipe

Amazing feats from a young man with a great name.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

X Games

Winter "X" is back!  Check out the action on your local TV or click the link for web coverage, videos, schedules, and live events:   http://espn.go.com/action/xgames/winter/2011/

Kaya Turski takes Womens' Slopestyle Gold.   (Of course she did.  Her last name ends in "ski")  Check out her winning run:  http://espn.go.com/action/xgames/winter/2011/news/story?page=2011-winter-x-games-womens-ski-slopestyle-recap&fghf

Thursday, January 13, 2011

More Pineapple?

Warm and wet weather is, once again, hitting the mountains.  Expect rain through Monday.